
Redmond Post 161


Community News

The below video Highlights The S.S. VIRGINIA V.

     The ship in this video, the S.S. VIRGINIA V (as in 5), is docked at South Lake Union.  Built-in 1922, it is a National Historic Landmark.  As you can see from the video, it is fully operational.  It is currently inspected and certified by the USCG to carry up to 150 passengers.   The S.S. VIRGINIA V, owned and operated by the Steamer VIRGINIA V Foundation, hosts corporate, private, and public pier side and underway events.  In addition, it is used as a maritime training platform. 

For more information on the S.S VIRGINIA V.  Please contact: 

Joe Schmitt Chief Engineer - S.S. VIRGINIA V / srvice@post161.org
